When you get down to the basics though, it’s pretty simple: a healthy planet supports us all to live a healthy life. And as we live a healthy life, our planet will be healthier.
We depend on having clear air to breathe, clean water to drink and earth that supports crops and other life. In order for humans to stay healthy we need our planet to be healthy. That’s the foundation of sustainability.
Imagine a world where all people breath clean air. Where a stable weather environment allows for a thriving existence and where there is regular healthy interaction between people and nature.
Imagine a world where products can be re-used, no garbage is created, energy is provided by the sun, wind, tidal power, or other renewable, non polluting resources we haven’t yet considered.
Our own health is based on a healthy planet – with an abundance of plants, food and water to go around.
Imagine this world and feel the huge opportunities that exist now to help create it. As Richard Branson said - “climate change is the greatest entrepreneurial opportunity of our lifetime.”