The Road to Zero-Waste

The Road to Zero-Waste

Posted by Jane Mitchell on

By Holly Foxall

When you hear the term zero-waste it may seem daunting, and impossible. Going zero-waste is a movement that is on the rise; it is when people live in a way that produces the smallest amount of waste possible. This is important, because in 2009 the average Canadian created 777kg (yes KILOGRAMS) of waste in one year. That’s a lot of garbage. 

Some people, like Youtuber Rob Greenfield, are getting creative in showing their dedication to limiting their waste production and overall consumption. In this video Rob wore all the waste he produced in a month in plastic bags on his body.

While not everyone may be interested in this radical of an approach to limiting their impact on the planet, there are many other things you can do to limit your contribution to climate change. There are blogs and social media influencers who have tips and tricks to help you go zero-waste, or to limit your waste production. 

Blogger Kathryn, of, has a great site with tones of information on her zero waste journey. Check out her blog to learn what it means to be zero-waste, find tips for getting started, and learn more about her inspiring journey towards zero-waste. 

There are many ways to limit your waste output:
  • Shopping at farmers markets and buying in bulk are easy ways to start. 
  • Consider the materials you use; glass and aluminium have a very high recycle rate, so try to purchase goods in glass or aluminium containers, rather than plastic. 
  • Say no to disposable plastic water bottles. 
  • Bring your own reusable bags to the grocery store. 
  • Take the initiative on how you treat the planet and its resources.

Every little thing you can do to limit your impact on our planet will make a difference. 

We can all make a difference. 
One person can have a major impact.
One idea can be the catalyst to a revolution. 
And that starts now.
This is the time we get. 
What are YOU going to do to have a positive impact on our planet? 
The time is now. So lets get going.

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