Companies large and small need to be thoughtful and intentional about how they build their brand and make sure their brand aligns with their values.
A clear value proposition is the beginning, but it doesn’t end there. Below are four steps that will help you kickstart your brand identity and make sure you are consistent with your message every time.
Step One: Clearly define your differentiator. You should be able to answer the question – why would someone buy from you? What do you do better than anyone else that makes you distinctive?
Step Two: Define your brand morals and values. What do you believe in and what do you stand for? In today’s world, millennials expect brands to be values driven. They support companies who act with purpose and behave in an ethical manner. Are you being consistent with your brand’s narrative and your values?
Step Three: What is your brand story? Clearly develop and define the story of your brand in simple terms, making it easy to understand. Remember that people are seeking connections. Stories are the emotional element of your brand – they are what connect you to others.
Step Four: Develop your brand personality – this includes colours, logo, font, tone, voice, images, words and feel of your brand. This is how you present yourself to the world.
Once you’ve completed these steps it’s important to continue to create amazing moments. This is what people will remember when they interact with your brand. Pay attention to the small details that move you from ‘good enough’ to ‘exceptional’.
More and more brands are being called on to provide leadership in living their values, acting with honesty and integrity and creating change. At Oyster, we believe that brands that operate with purpose and act in line with their values are the companies of the future.
Kickstart Your Brand
Posted by Jane Mitchell on